Monday 26 July 2010

Last Night of Internet for a Week + Stuff (long post)

Last Night of Internet

Turns out I won't have to wait that long for the internet. Someone will be coming to the new house a week on Wednesday to set it up. I can survive a week... I hope. I am using this time by doing nothing productive, which is always fun. Come to think of it, I have been reading instead. As soon as the internet isn't there, I won't want to read. This is guaranteed.

Going Bananas

I will probably talk about this more when I get internet since there has only been one day so far. I am one of the leaders of Team Jamaica alongside Esther. James was a good Noah today and I am still curious to how he appeared/disappeared :/ I feel silly. I shall be Elijah on Wednesday though despite me never acting in front of people before D: I just kinda felt I should volunteer XD.

Amish Thing

After seeing Fiona's post on the amish programme, I was determined to do my own. Although I feel like they are going to compare the Amish way of life to lives in Britain that aren't necessarily average, I will probably watch all the episodes.
For those who didn't see it, basically they take four Amish teenagers to Britain to show different ways of life.
The first episode did make the Amish way of life seem very peaceful, however this was compared to one with violence.
I watched this with my mum which was weird. I feel she felt awkward whenever anything to do with Christianity was mentioned which is a step up I guess :P Atleast she remembered I'm Christian this time. The Amish are fundamentalists (I think) and so their lifestyle is quite different. They seem a lot more isolated too, which I find strange.


  • I stopped half way through this post to go out for an hour with 2 friends who I haven't talked to in a while XD Caught up with stuff.
  • I should be packing right now...
  • I feel obliged to make a third bullet point.
Anyway... bye internet :(

Wednesday 21 July 2010

[Witty blog name with possible pun goes here]

I am moving next Tuesday :P which means I won't have the internet soon as we need to cancel it and installing in the new house may take sometime. I may do the unthinkable and go to that place people talk about called 'outside' or do that thing people say is interesting called 'being productive'. On the up side theres a good chance of a blog post after I get internet.

I do however have a friend who lives close by who said I can use his internet (Thanks Wilkes XD) so I may be able to check up with everything every once in a while. I shall post contact details in case people need XD which is unlikely :/ I guess someone might want to phone to see if I learnt anything about this place known as 'offline'.

Anyway, for those of you who have not heard this:
[Link... wish I had something more interesting to write instead of link...]
You will need to use headphones for this and closing your eyes makes it better. It's only audio anyway.

More updates on my extremely exciting life:

  • I discovered that when I bring ID to buy energy drinks at bells, they never ask for it, but when I forget, they ask... mind reading staff?
  • A samurai would beat a viking in a fight, so says TV.
  • Bells/Sainsburys/Bleh now stock sweets called 'wonder winders' which is good.

OK XD I might blog again before internet gets mercilessly torn from my life (torn looks like tom kinda).

Email (which I will read whenever possible):
Mobile: 07504248779
Facebook: You all have it probably

Alternatively you can shine the Igorman symbol into the night sky and I will come-a running.

Is it dangerous putting this online? meh XD

Thursday 15 July 2010

How to Cheer Up


Watch it for as long as neccessary...

Sunday 4 July 2010

My Theory on 2012

Today it became obvious to me what will happen on 2012 :( The idea came to me when deciding that even though I like Pacman and Tetris, I can't play either of them well. Here it is:

Consider the possibility that somewhere in space, there is a huge Pacman and he is being chased by the four ghosts. Now, the only way he can defeat these ghosts is to eat a giant yellow glowing ball eg. the Sun. Therefore, the planets will be nommed gaining Pacman a few points and then the Sun and Pacman will eat all four ghosts, gaining a further 2400 points.

Be prepared my friends :/

Thursday 1 July 2010

Boredom Defeater of the Future!!

I found an awesome site where you can send an e-mail and decide when it will be recieved. Therefore, you can send an email to yourself 10years from now :P

[Link to da Site]

If it's only me who finds this cool, humour me anyway.

I now have something to look forward to XD