Sunday 20 March 2011

New Blog

[TA DA!]

More serious, keeping this one though :P

Saturday 26 February 2011

Awesome Week Off

Well, from my point of view it was pretty awesome. Mostly because I did nothing stressful.

For the first few days I looked after Ruffles (Green's Cat), going twice a day to let him in and feed him, and then later to feed him and let him out. He seemed a lot more interested in head butting my leg than eating the food though but it was always gone when I got back nonetheless.

For the rest of the time I went in a cycle of:
  • Watching an anime which I have already seen (2 years ago) and one which a friend in my Psychology class is currently watching but on DVD, so I had time to catch up anyway. This was mainly so we can talk about it without me spoiling anything (and it's pretty awesome).
  • Playing Fallout over and over to a point where I'm now only 2 achievements away from being 100% complete.
  • Reading various books.
  • Drawing various drawings.
  • Watching various videos
There was also a lot going on with different siblings going in and coming out of hospital almost daily.

On the other hand, The Skit Guys:

Awesome :P